no knead crusty rolls

Apr 24, 2024

Crusty Rolls in My Toaster Oven

Best Easy Crusty RollsWith summer approaching, I’m using my toaster oven more for baking. This time I tried my no knead crusty rolls and WOW – they turned out beautifully! I set the toaster oven to 450, just like my big oven, and just used a smaller baking pan (9 by 13 inches). These rolls don’t spread much so I was able to bake all eight at one time. I plan to make them this way all the time.

As soon as they cool, I freeze these rolls. I find that putting the frozen rolls directly onto my toaster oven rack at 325 for about 10 minutes makes them super crusty, even more than when they’re first baked. It’s a win-win: Less oven use, and even crustier rolls. I love these rolls with salad, with soup, and sometimes I eat a roll,,, with another roll. 😋 Click here for the recipe.

Nov 14, 2017

Fast No Knead Crusty Rolls

Quick & Easy Crusty RollsJust in time for Thanksgiving, here is an even faster way to make my original crusty rolls. And you can make them ahead and freeze. They freeze beautifully and you can re-crisp, directly from freezer to oven, in minutes. They are even more crusty when you freeze and reheat!

The original version takes 4 hours but this one is ready in half the time – TWO hours! Using more yeast and hot water, it’s the fastest way I know to make these fabulous dinner rolls. It’s important that your oven be preheated to 450° F and my oven takes 35 minutes to reach 450. It’s really best to use an oven thermometer to make sure your oven it hot enough as these rolls depend on the first blast of high heat to puff up and rise.

This dough is sticky so it may help to see how to shape the rolls by watching the video attached to my original version of No Knead Crusty Rolls.

These fabulous artisan rolls can be made ahead and nicely re-crisped the next day or better still, make, cool, and freeze and just reheat by placing them directly on the oven rack, preheated to 325 °F, for 10-12 minutes. I’m always excited when I can find a way to make something easier and faster, especially when it’s homemade bread. They’re not just dinner rolls – I had them for breakfast today.

So there are three ways to make these crusty rolls. One is my original 4-hour recipe. Two is the overnight version where you use cold water and let the dough sit out overnight. And third, this new, fastest way ever to make no knead crusty rolls – in two hours!  Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Aug 28, 2014

Make Artisan Crusty Rolls at Home

No Knead Crusty Rolls RecipeI used to think you could only buy crusty dinner rolls at a bakery but wait ‘til you see how incredibly easy it is to make your own homemade rolls from scratch. And forget everything you thought you knew about baking bread. Here’s what you will NOT have to do:

1. Proof your yeast.

2. Take the temperature of your water.

3. Knead the dough.

4. Rise the dough twice.

5. Rise it in a warm spot.

6. Get stressed about baking with yeast.

All those things are history! Once I learned that you could bake amazing crusty bread at home with no kneading and almost no work, I set out to make it as fast and easy as possible. I’ve already shared my method for making the fabulous crusty bread that bakes in a Dutch oven.

No dutch oven? No problem. If you want to make the no knead bread that bakes in a Dutch oven but you don’t have one, you can make the same dough into these beautiful crusty rolls. All you need is a baking pan. This method is so easy and it’s foolproof. Don’t worry about the water temperature – just use hot tap water. Don’t worry about kneading the dough – you don’t have to. It’s basically like this:

  1. You mix the dough together, cover, and let it rest for 3 hours.
  2. You shape it into 8 rolls and let them rest for 35 minutes.
  3. You take the same 35 minutes to heat up your oven.
  4. You bake the rolls.
  5. You eat the rolls!

And if you like sesame seed rolls, just brush them right before baking with egg white and sprinkle with sesame seeds and look what you get:

SesameRolls600_9168By the way, you can start this dough the night before and let it stand on the counter top overnight for 8 to 24 hours. The only difference is you would use cool water. Then in the morning, shape the rolls and after the 35 minute rest and oven warm-up, you can bake them. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones