May, 2024

May 21, 2024

How To Line a Loaf Pan with Parchment Paper

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This is the easiest and fastest way I found to line my loaf pan with parchment paper. I use the pre-cut Reynolds cookie baking sheets. I cut one in half and cut one of the two halves into two. I clip the two smaller pieces onto each long end and then place the larger piece across the width and clip to keep in place. After I pour in the batter, I remove the clips and bake but you can leave the clips in.

May 18, 2024

Your Photos (May)

**NOTE** If you sent a photo in the past month, there was a glitch with my link so please send again. Also, let me know where you’re from and you can include yourself in the photo too! (I post these manually so you won’t see it right away.) Use this NEW link to send your photo:



(no message)

– It looks great. Thank you for your photo.  – jennyFast No Knead Bread


“I’ve made this so many times that i don’t need to look at the recipe. This one came out spectacular looking though, so I had to share it. Thanks again for this great simple recipe for a quick but delicious loaf of bread. ~ Guy Cesario, Orland Park, Illinois.”

– Guy, I can see why you wanted to share these pictures. It’s always fun to see how each loaf will turn out and this one is fabulous! Thank you. – jennyFast No Knead Bread

Best No Knead Bread


“Hi Jenny. Love your recipes and as i have always done adapt recipes to whatever i have available and my own style! Made these today a version of snowballs, more cookie shape than round, we have eaten most of them as soon as they cooled from the oven for afternoon tea! As i added a little more sugar to my recipe i only dusted a little with icing sugar, used walnuts! Hubby was expecting Kourbethies (Greek Version of shortbreads rolled in icing sugar, made for Xmas and special occasions)! They turned out delicious, but next time i will make a double batch as they are so moorish!  Your recipes are easy and most one bowls which i love!  Thanks and hope you are keeping well! Regards Cindy.”

– Cindy, thank you for your photo. Your version sounds delicious. I am very familiar with kourabiedes because my stepmother was Greek. And you reminded us that it doesn’t have to be Christmas to make these easy cookies. – jennyJenny Can Cook Recipes

May 13, 2024

I Miss Your Photos

I couldn’t understand why nobody was sending me photos any more and then found out that the link I was providing went bad. (YourPhotos@JennyCanCook is no longer valid.) I’m not sure why but we just created a new link for sending photos. If you tried to send me your photo in the last month, please send it again using this link:

The new link also appears on the YourPhotos page. I love seeing your photos so please keep sending! Thank you.