cancer info

Jan 18, 2017

Five Foods Known to Cause Cancer

I saw this in USA Today and thought it was worth sharing. Here are five foods they say are known to cause cancer:
1. Processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, ham, and sausages. Limit your intake.
2. Highly salted foods like pickles. A high intake is linked to stomach cancer. Less is better than more.
3. Alcohol. It can raise your risk of mouth, colorectal & breast cancer. Limit intake to one drink a day for women, two for men.
4. Charred meat. High heat + meat = DNA-damaging compounds. Cook at lower temperatures and flip meat frequently to avoid charring.
5. Scalding hot beverages. Routinely drinking very hot tea, coffee, or soup is linked to a greater risk of esophageal cancer.

Filed Under: Nutrition