Aug 26, 2010

My homemade pizza!

I’ve finally made a video of my recipe for homemade pizza! It has a crispy thin crust, the kind you can pick up and eat – no fork, no plate – and lots of pepperoni.  I use a special pan for a crispy crust and wait ‘til you see my trick for prepping pepperonis (say that 3 times).

This is one pizza you can eat without thinking, “OMG, I just ate half a pizza and am going straight to hell.” More like, “Wow, I didn’t know healthy pizza could be this good!” Click here for the video.

Filed Under: Videos

6 Comments on "My homemade pizza!"

  1. Old Bob

    Well, our kids and their kids and friends like your pan pizza so much that I have to take my cast iron skillets with me when we go to visit them. They all think cast iron cooking is an art, what with all of seasoning and care of the cast iron. I doubt any of them will be buying any cast iron, at least as long as grandpa will cook up the pizza. I love being the star chef and it is so, so easy.

    For the past year I have done a lot of experimenting. I switched to the hot water version exclusively. Works just as well and you can whip up a pizza in no time. I have never had an experiment fail. I use different size skillets from 9″ to 11.5″ and I use varied amounts of the dough, depending on what I’m looking for, thick or thin or more like deep dish. What a person thinks will work will work. I have started making focaccia bread to go with pasta dishes or to dip with olive oil, various balsamic vinegars and fresh ground pepper. Same dough, just no toppings.Yummy. My next experiment is using my outdoor kitchen devices. More about that later. Because of a sudden plan change, I had to refrigerate a double batch of dough overnight. Perfect.

    Question; Have you tried freezing the dough?

  2. sue

    We will have to try your pizza, but I made your chicken and asparagas dinner last saturday and wow!!! My Mike went back for thirds. He kept on saying this stuff is awesome! My father always gets a kick out of him when we eat down at my parents house, my dad always says “What are going to the electric chair??” He has an awesome appetite when it’s good! My mom takes alot of flattery and I thought I would share this with you about your dish. We’re going to try your pancakes this Sunday.

    Love, Sue, Mike, Teka and Kya

  3. MrsNews

    You are going to find this hard to believe but I am not a domestic goddess…I know surprise…surprise. But I have been watching 2 of your cooking videos and I just loved them! I love watching you cook. Me, watching Jenny Jones in her kitchen…wow. You are such a neat lady! We could have so much fun…I could sit on a stool and watch you!! LOL I gotta say I wanted to push your sleeves up the hold time…the mother in me you know!! It looks like you wear long sleeves in all of your cooking videos. I will admit that you made that pizza look yummy but I don’t like pepperoni…can you do it with sausage? I am thinking I will probably stick with take out. I love the idea a watching you cook….what a concept. Are there DVD’s out there that let you pull up someone actually cooking with you?? How cool is that!! You are a doll! I am going to watch all of them…not tonight…but all of them.

    Thanks for sharing…thanks for your website I am so glad I found you! After seeing your FaceBook page I realize there is no way in hell you could ever keep up with anyone…but thanks for accepting me as your friend.

    I wonder if the day will ever come that you see a post from me thats says I actually made something! Now that would be a sight to behold.

    Good Night my silly friend!!


    • Rhonda

      Aww, you can say the sweetest things, Kathy. You’ve touched me again 🙂
      Jenny and her cooking videos remind me of Rachel Ray and her 30 minute meals without commercials 🙂
      I’m not a pro at cooking. I can cook somethings, but somethings I have problems with like icing on a cake…lol.., so see? We do make mistakes and with me I just keep working at it until it’s right…
      I have faith in you Kathy to just give it a try with this pizza or any other recipe Jenny has. You might surprise yourself and find that you enjoy cooking like Jenny does 🙂
      If you have Jenny’s book, the sweet potato choclate cake is really easy if you can make the icing better than I’ve made it. Which now I know what I’m doing wrong with the icing, thanks to Jenny 🙂

  4. Rhonda

    OMG, Jenny! I have got to make this pizza. It seems simple enough 🙂
    I agree some pizza can be really messy. The idea of putting the pepperoni between 2 plates is a great idea. Thank you for that trick, because I have tried making a pizza before and the crust is okay, but not crispy like the sound I just heard from your video. I like the crunch of a pizza. What’s a pizza without the crunch? Your crust sounds really appetizing 🙂
    I have a time with pizza dough or any kinda of dough, because I do fight with it. I have to say you did awesome with it. Maybe I should start making this pizza once a week for dough practice, because I do love pizza…
    If I can make the meatloaf exactly like yours. I can make your pizza 🙂
    One more thing, have you ever tried tossing pizza dough? Just wondering…
    Oh and Jenny terrific video. I love it! Great job doing it and sharing it with us…
    2 thumbs up and an A+ 🙂

  5. Braden

    I’m soooo excited for this video! Thank you Jenny!

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