Dec 27, 2014

How To Store Parsley

I’ve had this parsley for over a month! If you’re tired of throwing away wilted parsley, you will love this easy way to store fresh parsley. Just put it in a glass of water and cover it loosely with a plastic produce bag. I use the bag I brought it home in from the store.
IMG_0418Fresh parsley is great to use in cooking but I only use a little at a time. I used to keep it in the vegetable drawer in a plastic bag but I always had to throw it away before I could use it all up. There had to be a better way. So I tried putting it in a glass of water in the fridge and it kept a little longer but after a few days it was drying out.

The solution to drying out had to be plastic so I tried putting a light weight plastic produce bag loosely over the parsley and glass and I could not believe how long it lasted. I put it away on November 23rd. That was five weeks ago! And look at it today…

IMG_0695I’ll be using this parsley until 2015! I’ll let you know when it finally runs its course – probably six or seven weeks. I just had to share!

6 Comments on "How To Store Parsley"

  1. JC

    Genius Jenny, I wander if this method can be applied to all herbs??? I take it, they are to be kept in the fridge, or, are they allowed to be kept on window sills etc?
    You are the BEST!!!! Thank you for lifting me up with your delicious recipes. 🙂

  2. Sue Gremm

    Cabbage rolls – can I substitute dried parsley for fresh parsley?

  3. Donna

    I do the same thing; place a plastic bag loosely over the parsley and in the fridge and they end up getting soggy. I wish they’d last longer. Obviously, I’m doing something wrong. Any suggestions?

  4. Rhonda

    I recently noticed that my greens stay firm longer and still hold their crisp texture when I keep them in the produce bag I brought them home in for weeks on the counter or fruit bowl. Mostly peppers and cucumber. The cucumber kept for so long the peel turned yellow but was still hard, no bad spots or anything, nothing wrong with it. Leafy greens I’m not too sure about. I do know bananas last longer left in a produce bag too but they don’t last long around here to know how long in time. Good to know this about parsley because I throw away more than I use too. Thanks Jenny

  5. Big Mama Blue

    In the old country we used to keep parsley in a glass of water in a cold place (usually between window panes). Today I’m keeping parsley, cilantro, etc., in a plastic bag, loosened fron the rubber band and rolled in a paper towel. It does keep for weeks. I think it’s import not to buy very wet greens, or make sure to dry them fairly well before wrapping.

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