5 Comments on "Happy Easter 2018"

  1. TexasRanch Girl

    Do you ever make a mushroom Risotto? I am finding beautiful Spring mushrooms in woods need recipe.

  2. Rhonda

    I’m so glad you are enjoying what you love and I’m happy people share with you your recipes. Keep enjoying yourself and be happy Jenny…

    Hope you had a nice Easter Sunday…hugs….

  3. Irene Lipinski

    I just stumbled onto your website and can only say – “God Bless You”. I am Ukrainian – I speak and read the language. I grew up taking my Mom’s Ukrainian/Polish cooking for granted. In recent years I have wanted to ‘get’ her recipes, but she is 90yrs old, and quite forgetful with the details. I winged the cabbage rolls recently, and the second batch came out very well. The way I made them was VERY similar to your recipe. I like yours better because you place them all in a uniform layer – my Mom would pile them all into a large pot. Anyway, I do make beet bortsch, but had NO idea on how to make the dough for pierogis or for angle wings. Also, I did not have a true recipe for poppy seed roll. My mother would make it with the poppy seeds sold by Solo – it is a company that sells fillings, but I can no longer find it stocked in any of my local stores.

    I have fond memories of making angle wings. It was a HUGH family event. My father would roll out the dough REAL thin, and I would help with folding them. My mother would fry them, and all of us kids would sugar them and then stack them into BIG containers/bowls to take to a church event. Now I have the recipe.

    Again, THANK YOU from a Ukrainian kid with a partially Polish father. I could cry with happiness. I will try the cabbage dish/dinner. My mother used to make cooked cabbage with sauerkraut, fresh cabbage, carrots, onion and garlic. Simple but SO tasty. I think that I can now re-create this vegetable dish.

    Again, God Bless You for preserving the authentic Polish recipes.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      It’s good to know I have made a difference. Thank you.

  4. Dalila G.

    May you be blessed with everything bright and cheerful!!
    ?Happy Easter Jenny!! ?

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