Jun 21, 2013

Another cookbook giveaway

Peas_0646_RevisedIt’s summer! There are so many reasons I like summer, especially for all the healthy fresh fruit that’s available, like peaches and watermelon and strawberries. It’s also a great time to get fresh vegetables, especially green peas, which are super sweet this time of year. Green peas are high in folic acid, iron, vitamin K for bones, and they have anti-inflammatory properties. My favorite way to eat them is raw, right out of the shell. And sometimes I wash them, eat the peas out of the shell and then peel away the inside membrane and then eat the shell! Is that a Polish thing or does anyone else do that? Oh, I almost forgot… my contest. Guess how many little round peas are inside the pods in this 6-inch bowl. Remember, it’s not how many pea-pods, but how many peas are INSIDE the pods (say that five times in a row!). Take a guess and whoever comes closest will win a free copy of my cookbook.


One guess per person ~ Winner will be posted Monday morning. Good luck!!

Filed Under: General

12 Comments on "Another cookbook giveaway"

  1. Rhonda

    153 peas…

  2. Becky Lewis

    99 peas

  3. hana

    110 peas

  4. somervillecambridge

    97 little peas

  5. Jennifer

    104 peas!

  6. Josh


  7. Patricia

    205 peas

  8. Kathy Roberts


  9. Boomer Jackson

    92 peas.

  10. Jason Marynik


  11. Jackie Kersten

    144 peas 🙂

  12. Karen Burrell

    120 peas in the pod. <3

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