potato pancakes & eggs

Mar 1, 2017

Potato Pancakes and Eggs

Potato Pancakes and EggsMy mother used to slice up leftover potato pancakes and scramble them with eggs for breakfast. It’s still one of my favorite things to eat so I made it today. I had made the potato pancakes (placki in Polish) on Monday and had plenty left over so I treated myself to this delicious breakfast. I have actually made the pancakes just to use for this breakfast – that’s how much I love this dish.

So here’s my recipe:

1. Make potato pancakes.

2. Slice them into strips and place in a non-stick pan.

3. Start heating up the pan and while it heats up, beat the eggs with a little milk, salt & pepper.

4. When the pancake strips are not hot, add the egg mixture and cook until set.

Have a happy day. 🙂 – Jenny Jones