easy focaccia recipe

Mar 21, 2022

Focaccia Fever

crispy_focacciaI found a way to make my crispy focaccia even more crispy. I make it in advance, let it cool, cut it into six wedges, and freeze. When I’m ready, which is almost every day 😋, I place the wedges directly on my toaster oven rack at 325° F for about 10-12 minutes and they come out super crispy. And they stay crispy longer than when served right after baking. If you like all things crispy as much as I do, try it. Here’s the recipe: https://www.jennycancook.com/recipes/easy-crispy-focaccia/

I know I haven’t been around lately but we are still moving! Yes, still moving. I didn’t know we had that much stuff! (most of it’s not mine 🙂)  I’ll try to post some new recipes very soon.