1-Hour Hot Dog Buns

1-Hour Hot Dog Buns

1-Hour Hot Dog Buns

Make sure the oil and egg are at room temperature. No mixer? Just mix it in a bowl by hand but knead longer, about 150 turns.

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 12 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour

Makes: 8 buns

1-Hour Hot Dog Buns


  • 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour (Aerate Flour Before Measuring - See How)
  • 2 teaspoons (1 packet / 7g) instant yeast (or active dry yeast)
  • 2 Tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 cup milk (reduced fat or whole milk), heated to 120-130° F for instant yeast (or 110-120°F for active dry)
  • 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • about 1/4 cup additional flour

  • 1 beaten egg for egg wash


  1. Combine flour, yeast, sugar & salt in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Stir in milk, followed by oil and egg.
  3. Beat on high for 2 minutes.
  4. On low speed add about 1/4 cup of flour until dough forms a mass.
  5. Place dough on a floured surface and knead 50 turns.
  6. Cover and let rest 10 minutes. Meantime, line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  7. Cut dough into 8 pieces. With floured hands, press each into a 4 x 6-inch rectangle. From the 6-inch side, roll up tightly into a log and tuck in the ends.
  8. Place seam-side down on the baking sheet, cover with a towel and let rise in a warm spot until they double in size, about 30 minutes.
  9. Meantime, preheat oven to 375° F.
  10. Just before baking, brush each roll with egg wash. Bake for 12 minutes.

Want Hamburger Buns Instead? Click here.

224 Comments on "1-Hour Hot Dog Buns"

  1. valeria stephens

    recipe is spot- on ! followed just as written, beautiful buns! I was feeling guilty for serving dogs for supper, so I decided to do something special, and the homemade rolls were just the thing! thanks for the recipe!

  2. Jaina

    These were so good and this recipe is super easy to follow. Very happy with the result.

  3. Teresa

    I just made these and very pleased with results. Recipe was easy to follow. Buns turned out light, good flavor and terrific for a variety of filling options.

  4. Patti

    Has anyone made these buns and then steamed them before adding the hot dog? I need a recipe that results in buns that can be in a steamer.

  5. Baker Bill

    you should include instructions as if you were talking to a 12 year old because thats about where I stand when it comes to baking. Like what to do with the 1/4 cup of flower and any other little things that a novice like me should learn.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Feel free to ask. See step #4.

    • Deb

      For dusting the surface you knead your dough on. You won’t use that much probably.

      • Jenny Can Cook

        The 1/4 cup of flour is to be added to the bowl with your dough mixture to thicken the dough so it can be kneaded. When kneading, you might need a tablespoon or two of additional flour.

    • Joan

      1/4 cup “at a time” until dough forms

  6. Virginia

    Made this recipe tonight and it was the first one I’ve made that came out perfect, I put all the ingredients in my bread machine , wet ingredients first , then flour and lastly the yeast , did not warm the milk as it does it for me, the rolls rose wonderfully and were so light and soft , will definitely make them again. 😊👍❤️

  7. Lindsey

    Literally the messiest recipe I’ve ever tried in my life! Followed the directions to a T and it’s a big sloppy, messy blob of dough. I added more flour, which just made it worse. Couldn’t even scrape it off my hands. I’ve also never tried a recipe where you didn’t activate the yeast first. What am I doing wrong??

    • Michele

      Bread making takes some experience to know what the dough consistency is supposed to be like. For example, when hand kneading dough you need to know that your hands should have a good layer of flour on them, so the dough doesn’t stick. And you might need to add a little more than 1/4 cup flour, maybe a little less, until it forms a ball. You have to feel it out a little and trust your instincts a bit. Climate, humidity, temperature, flour type can all make a slight difference.

  8. Lea

    Are you supposed to add a 1/4 of flour at a time or just another 1/4 cup because my dough was still way too wet with just a added 1/4 cup?

    • Tarsha

      You add the extra flour after you mix up the doe, to coat and mix in bagore you let it rest. The doe shoe be able to be touched and not feel so sticky. You should also oil the testing bowl lightly as it rises.

  9. M Hansen

    This is the best dough recipe EVER!! I use my bread maker to make this because of arthritis in my hands and this recipe will not fail you. Every week I make either buns, bread, cinnamon buns or doughnuts and it’s like magic! The deep fried doughnuts are amazing and I can’t thank you enough for sharing this recipe!

  10. Tarsha

    I let mine rest for 30 min before I bake, also you can warm the milk and put yeast and sugar in it. Wait 2 min than mix in. Give it another try it’s so so good, trust me it’s worth a second try.

  11. Katie

    If I have active yeast instead of instant yeast, should I activate the yeast before adding it or is it ok to add to the flower just as is and will activate later with the milk?

    • Andrea

      Active yeast should be activated before adding to dry ingredients

    • Donna

      With this recipe you DO NOT activate the yeast first, hence the higher temperature of the milk. You’re right that the milk will activate the yeast when it is mixed in later. Other bread recipes use 105° – 115° to activate the yeast before mixing in other parts.

    • Tarsha

      I have made it both ways and it’s always great.

  12. Sur

    Great fast recipe. Had no problem with rising! Must have killed yeast with too hot of a liquid. That is usually the case unless the yeast is expired. We were looking for foot long rolls and couldn’t find them so I said well guess we’ll have to make some. Obviously I only made six but they were perfect!

  13. Heidi

    Love how they turned out!! Question! Can these be frozen? Either before baking or after? I would love to make a big batch and freeze

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Yes, all breads can be frozen, the sooner the better while they are fresh. (I slice them first)

    • Tarsha

      Yes I freeze it as dough and bread, still great.

  14. Kim

    I have made these a bazillion times!!
    Hot dog buns, hamburger buns, dinner rolls! Amazing and delicious every time! Fast, easy and fool proof!

  15. Kim

    I have made these a bazillion times!!
    Hit dog buns, hamburger buns, dinner rolls! Amazing and delucious every time!

  16. Kate Kempfle

    This recipe did not work for me. The concept of not raising the yeast first in the liquid does not seem to work. And the a 10 minute rest, cutting them and pretty much cooking them right away did nothing for them. They raised only a small amount. Of course they were heavy and pretty much inedible.

    • Cynthia S

      Hi Kate, as an old bread baker, I might be able to help you. There might be 2 causes for your bread failing, the first might be not using instant yeast. It doesn’t require proofing. I think the most likely cause was the milk being too warm and killing the yeast. (Ask me how I know…been there, done that!). I would make sure your milk is no hotter than about 110-115 degrees. Hope this helps,

  17. Nisha

    Could you make these with wheat flour or wheat pastry flour?

  18. Nonna

    Thank you, Jenny, for this absolutely perfect hot dog bun recipe! Made them yesterday. So quick and easy. This recipe will be my go-to from now on and I plan to use it to make hamburger buns, cinnamon rolls and dinner rolls.

  19. MommaBean

    Well…hmm. I made the recipe exactly as the recipe states…which is not the traditional way you make breads, but I was following the recipe…and wouldn’t you know it…they NEVER rose. Did the first rise in the mixing bowl as I normally would’ve…no rise. The second rise I did half of the rolls in the bread oven with the proof setting, the second half on the counter under a towel…and neither batches rose. So…yeah…I’m left with these fat mini breadsticks…and my dinner plans are ruined minutes before supper! They looked so delicious in the picture…I’m really left wondering what the he’ll happened…especially given all the glowing reviews.

    • char

      I`ve made many of these bread recipes on here…and other than having to add a touch more flour here and there…these recipes are amazing. There is only one rise in this recipe. So i`m not sure what instructions you were following….but i do hope you will give it another shot! i just made these and they are cooling on my rack as i type!

    • Tarsha

      I bet the yeast was defective, try again. Mix yeast, warm Milk and sugar together, let set a few min than mix it with your dry ingredients.

  20. Annette Howe

    First attempt I mixed and kneaded the dough in my bread machine. I’m pretty sure it mixed, then kneaded for about 10 minutes, rest for about 5, then kneaded again. (MISTAKE #1) Then I took it out of the bread machine, and divided it into eight pieces. Trying to be a perfectionist, I weighed each piece to make sure they were all the same, trimming off bits and pieces here and there so that they would be approximately equal. I pressed them into the little rectangles, then rolled them up into bun shapes. Imagine my surprise to find that I now had not eight, but nine buns. (MISTAKE #2) I spritzed them with oil, and let them rise for the allotted time. They didn’t rise very much. Oops! I baked them anyway, and they taste delicious, they just aren’t very light, nor are they actually big enough to accommodate a hot dog as we Americans have become accustomed. I realize this was totally my fault, so batch number two is underway, even though it is approaching 2:00 in the morning. Baking is not a hobby, it is an obsession! Update will be forthcoming.

  21. M Hansen

    We put this in our bread maker on dough cycle as well. After the dough was ready we made buns and let it rise for 30 minutes then baked. This dough is amazing!! We have made hot dog buns, hamburger buns, bread, doughnuts and cinnamon buns with this recipe and not one failure! We make this a couple of times a week and prep is only 5 minutes, I cannot thank you enough!

    • Jacqueline

      I have been using this recipe for years, tried your advice and they came out perfect. Thank you for the tip

    • Fiona

      Can you leave off the egg wash with decent results?

      • Tarsha

        I done it with our the egg white brush on and it doesn’t brown well l, plus in it takes longer to brown and then it’s over cooked, texture is not so good.

  22. Erin D

    Just tried this recipe, it was very easy. I dumped all the ingredients in my bread machine (except the flour) then add the flour last and use the dough cycle. I shaped them into burger buns. The did the rise part in oven on proof cycle for 30 minutes. They are baking now and look amazing!

  23. Lani

    These were fantastic! My only challenge was shaping them haha

  24. Prisilla

    Oh my gosh! What a fantastic hotdog bun recipe! So aromatic, so very fluffy and soft and so very very easy to do! So much better than store bought.

    I was looking for a quick and simple recipe and this one fit the bill. I had everything on hand and the instructions were easy to follow. This is now my go-to bun recipe.

    I’m looking forward to making these again and trying my hand at the hamburger bun recipe soon.

    Thanks Jenny!

  25. Kathy Mo

    Hi, this is the it’s time I have made this recipe. Please confirm that the “flour, yeast, sugar and salt are combined”….the yeast is not risen separately? I have followed the recipe exactly but my rolls are not rising. They are just logs of dough with the hard yeast balls mixed in. The yeast is fresh, I have made buns and bread in the passed week and I had no problem with the yeast.
    I appreciate any comments you may have.
    Thank you.

    • Lisa

      If you are using fresh yeast, I would recommend mixing it with the milk first, then adding to the flour mixture.

      • Tina

        Also, make sure the milk is at the right temp to activate the yeast prior to mixing in.

  26. Jessica

    Made these just as the recipe said. They turned out fantastic and will for sure be my go to for hotdogs. Mine did take a bit longer to rise, but my house is really cool right now.

  27. Marti

    I just discovered your site as I was looking at Pinterest for a recipe to make hot dog buns. How can I sign up for your E-mails and how do I find your video clips or cookbooks? I am really challenged on a computer, however my husband is here to get me schooled in the right direction. Thanks, I loved your hot dog recipe and will look forward to more.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Everything is here on this website. You can find all my videos either in the “Videos” section (https://www.jennycancook.com/videos/) or under the recipe (not all recipes have videos). I don’t post many new recipes but you can sign up for notifications by clicking the “Subscribe” button. I have an old cookbook but it’s out of print and it’s not the way I cook today so I do not recommend looking for it. If you’re curious to see it, just click this link: https://www.jennycancook.com/my-cookbook/
      I hope that helps.

  28. C. Hyer

    Made this and we love it! We decided to do burger buns. Slapped some butter atop one of them. SO TASTY! Easy to slice open and had a great texture. Didn’t crumble. Gonna be go-to for us. Thank you!

  29. David

    Taste good but requires way more flour than listed. Didn’t rise much due to the too liquid dough.

  30. Paige

    I was actually really skeptical of this recipe, because all other hot dog bun recipes I looked at said they would take 4+ hours including rise time.
    However, these were absolutely delicious. Super light and fluffy, and really great flavor. Also, so easy! Definitely a new go-to recipe. Thanks Jenny!

  31. Gerry from Belleville On.

    I am a novice baker. I started during the virus and have used many of your recipes.
    Now that things are somewhat back to normal or should I msay the new normal I am still baking. At 77 this is a great new hobby.
    I can’t thank you enough for your generous sharing of your recipes.

  32. Sandy LB

    Just made these and turned out great! I used 1 teaspoon of sugar instead of 2 tablespoons (I always do in most bread recipes); also I did not press each into a 4 x 6-inch rectangle and roll up tightly into a log and tuck in the ends… After cutting into 8 equal pieces, I just rolled each into a roll… all other directions I followed. Turned out nice and fluffy! Now to cook the hotdogs! Thank you, Jenny, for this recipe!!

  33. Courtney Simms

    Followed the recipe exactly and they did not turn out well. I waited over an hour for them to rise and there was pretty much no rising. They ended up dense. I know it’s not my yeast because I made bread right before I made these.

    • Wanda Sparkes

      They didn’t rise properly with normal yeast. I would warm 1/2 c milk, Add a bit of sugar and the yeast and rise that 10 minutes like I do with water for other breads. They tasted yummy but were too heavy.

  34. David

    Hi Jenny, this is my go-to recipe for frankfurter rolls. They’re easy, and taste great. A crowd favorite!

  35. Marianne

    I am making this recipe for the first time. Following the directions so far the recipe stated is far to wet and sticky. I’ve had to use almost another cup of flour.
    We will see how the rest goes.
    I’m hoping it goes well.
    I can see that perhaps it will be way to dense because it does not ask for a second rise.
    Wish me luck….

    • Marianne

      Sorry it does ask for a second rise. My mistake. I will let you know of finished product.
      Thanks .

  36. Patty

    Hi Jenny, I’ve used several of your recipes and they always comes out perfectly. do you think I could make these rolls in a New England hotdog bun pan? thank you

  37. Catherine

    I can’t even count the number of times I’ve made this recipe. It has never failed me. Maybe I’ve even commented before. But really, this is my very favouritest hot dog/sausage bun recipe. I make Jenny’s hamburger buns as well. Same result- delicious!

    • Jasmin

      Good to know. I love all her recipes, and want to try this one next. Crusty bread and fall of the bone ribs, are another favorite!

  38. Deb

    Nooooo not at all what I expected… dense

  39. Lisa, Yankton SD

    Wonderful recipe! Thanks for sharing! Turned out sooo good! Very easy and quick to make!

  40. Pharmer Phil

    I make these hot dog buns often, Wife LOVES them..Keep Ma happy 😉

  41. Brittany

    I’m not sure what I did wrong but they didn’t rise. They look more like long potatoes. 😂. Haven’t tasted them yet. My hot dogs will certainly be hanging out of the ends.

    • Mary

      I am most certainly not an expert but from my large portfolio of errors I found this happened to me when the liquid was not the right temperature or when the yeast was old. I made these this morning and they taste great BUT they don’t look like the picture. I am hoping practice makes perfect. Can anyone give directions for making these in the bread machine?

    • Cindy S

      I am not an expert but I’m old with lots of experience HA. When it doesn’t rise (for me anyway) it’s because the liquid was too hot and killed the yeast. Just make sure to use lukewarm milk or water. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can test it on your wrist. If it feels just warmer than your body temp which is 98.6 degrees, it will be perfect. I hope this helps.

  42. Arianna

    you forgot the step where you spank it and say “whose your daddy”
    I knew I recognized you from somewhere and it’s the viral meme! I LOVE this recipe and its a fun little easter egg that you’re like famous!

  43. Lee_18103

    I made this recipe yesterday. I had most ingredients on hand, most. I only had one egg, the other carton of eggs in the fridge were hard boiled eggs.I didn’t see it till I needed one.
    But since I don’t like the taste of egg wash on anything I ever baked before. I used what I had to get close to the recipe. I used Half and Half and light cream for the wash. And since I just watched a movie with Nicolas Cage called, Pig. I sprinkled a tiny amount of Kosher salt on top before baking, tiny.
    They turned out, moist, chewy, sweet, a tat salty. They were PERFECT!
    Thank You for sharing, Best wishes, Thank you. Lee

    • Naomi

      I just made this for the first time, and doubled the recipe. I started my baking journey with the no knead buns, then the hamburger buns and moved on to many other breads. Now I’m confident enough to make substitutions without issue. Water temperature is very important, and I learned a lot from other people’s comments. I make sure to measure it, and since I use active dry, I keep it at 110, the lower end, so I don’t ‘tire’ the yeast. Mine seems to be very active so I learned to not overstimulate it.

      Eggs are precious these days, so normally for a single recipe, I use a baking-powder-oil-water substitute, but as I doubled the recipe, I used a single egg plus the substitute mix as a second egg. I always use milk or oil as a wash as well. This time I did a butter+milk wash. They came out so pretty, I had a whole tray of buns, and felt like a true baker. Thank you again for a wonderful recipe.

  44. Karen451

    Why is your recipe different when you go to the visit. One says 2 eggs and 2 3/4 cups of four, and the other recipe says 21/2 cups and 1 egg.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I don’t see where it says anything different.

      • Karen

        When I click on your post for 1 hour hot dog buns and you scroll down a couple of inches it has ingredients to recipe. That’s where is shows 2 eggs and the 2 3/4 cup of flour. When you go to the visit tab it shows the lesser amounts of flour and eggs.

        • Jenny Can Cook

          I’m very sorry but I can not find what you are referring to. I do not have a “visit” option on this website but if there is a discrepancy, I want to correct it. Can you please take a screen shot of the post you refer to and send it to “Your Photos/My Recipes” and I will look for it. Here is a link to send the screen shot: YourPhotos@JennyCanCook.com

        • Bunny

          Karen, you aren’t paying attention to the ingredient list or directions. It says 1 egg for the dough, and 1 egg for the wash. 1 + 1 = 2. It states 2 1/2 cups flour, and later in the recipe, you add 1/4 cup of flour after beating for 2 mins. . 2 1/2 cups + 1/4 cup = 2 3/4 cups.

          • Amanda

            Thank you, Bunny!! I was getting a bit irritated with their back and forth myself and thinking exactly what you stated. Bravo😀

        • Jackie

          Could the confusion be 2 eggs – one for the ingredients and another for the egg wash? Same for the flour 2 1/2 cups for the recipe and 1/4 cup for kneading?

        • Marla

          The visit site is total ingredients….
          2/1/2 cups flour… plus 1/4 cup of flour to be able to knead dough = 2 3/4
          2 eggs 1 for dough recipe and one for egg wash

    • Lee_18103

      I used a bread machine to mix my dough. I added all the liquids and then dry ingredients. leaving the flour to go in last. Add one egg in the wet ingredients and one eggs for the brushing on top before they go in the oven.. Add all the flour 2 3/4 cups on top of wet. So, one egg in and one for brushing. If doing by hand add the 1/4 cup of flour as needed to make kneading easier. Hope this helps.

      • Jeanette Schutz

        Would this work with the hamburger bun recipe also? Going to try this with the hot dog buns for sure.

      • Jeanette Schutz

        Why did you add another 1/4c flour over what the recipe calls for? Typo?

    • Elizabeth

      Its because the first page has the total flour and total eggs used all together for the entire recipe, but when you go into the actual recipe it splits it up for you 1 egg for the batter, 1 egg for the baking eggwash (2 eggs total)… 2 1/2 cups flour for the first part of mixing the batter, the remaining 1/4 cup is for the last part of mixing (2 3/4 cups total).

  45. Molly

    Jenny, I love your recipes! This one is brilliant…makes just enough buns for a family. The KitchenAid did the work for me, including kneading (I let it go 5 minutes) so that they’d be nice and lofty. Your addition of the 1/4 cup flour was perfect for making a nice, shaggy dough. The hot dog buns are delightfully soft and light. My only change for the next time will be to make 9 instead of 8 so that they are a little smaller. Thank you for helping me stay out of the grocery store and having buns with no funky chemicals in them!

  46. Rebecca

    These came out great except that I had to add over a cup of extra flour. I followed it exactly so I am not sure why I had to add all the extra flour. They came out good and will definitely make again. Thanks for sharing.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please look at the FAQs.

      • RACHEL

        I did everything as directed, but I did have to add more flour at the end to create a ball. They rose fine but when I cook it they’re kind of flat. But did I do wrong?

  47. Heather in PEI

    I just made these. Sooo good. And so easy.
    I used half whole wheat flour and half all purpose.
    Now if it would just stop snowing I could bbq up some sausages.

  48. Judi G

    Thanks for the great recipe! We made the dough then put cheese and Hebrew National dogs on each section of the dough, rolled them up and cooked the same way listed (seem side down). Delicious!

    • Laura

      What a great idea! My great grands will love this!!

    • Marlene

      I rolled these out and put different meats and cheeses in each set I made and baked my own hot pocket type sandwiches. They were good.

  49. Dawn Mary

    Made the hot dog buns and will make them again!
    Delicious,soft and very flavourful.I had to add a it more flour but that may have been a humidity issue.
    The recipe is a keeper for sure…thank you so very much…

  50. Pat H

    Easy-peasy recipe! Even rookies can make these delicious, soft, substantial and beautful hot dog rolls. I’ve been searching for the perfect recipe and I think I’ve found it. Perfect!

  51. David Thomas

    These rolls are wonderful, as well as straight forward. I love when recipes are so simple to follow, and come out just as pictured.Thank you so much for this relatively quick, as well as delicious recipe.


  52. Kristin

    These were a bit more work than expected, mainly due to my setup, but once I tested them (OMG) this elevated my hot dog to next level. Worth the effort.

  53. Myste

    These were perfect! They really saved me in a pinch and I’m very grateful. My only complaint is that my family wants them every time now because the store bought ones can’t compare. (:

  54. Margaret Houston

    Is there a hot dog brand you can recommend. All beef, Turkey, etc
    Thank you for the bun recipe!

    • TerryIn48

      Hands down Hebrew National! We prefer the all beff jumbo ones.

      • Gene

        I guess to each his own but National Hebrew to me, it’s not the best hot dog.
        Dietz and Watson is superior.

    • Marie

      Nathan’s hot dogs are sooo much better than Hebrew National! Nathan’s are the only one’s we buy. There are 2 others that are also good, we just can’t get them where we live. One is the Vienna Hot Dogs and Chicago Hot Dogs.

  55. Peter

    What do you mean roll tight from 6in side. Can you post video or pictures thank you so much

    • Boop

      Once you cut the dough, you should flatten the pieces with a rolling pin into rectangles that are about 4 inches on one side and 6 inches on the other. What you’re left with is just a flat piece of dough. One you have that, from one of the six inch sides with your fingers, start to roll it up into a cigar shape. When she says tightly, she means don’t leave any air pockets and make sure it seals at the end. I wet the whole rectangle on the upward facing side just a tiny tiny bit before I roll them just to make sure everything sticks. I hope I explained this in a way that made it across to you! 🙂

  56. S.Truong

    I couldn’t make it out to the store so I decided to look up a quick and easy bun recipe for chilli dogs and burgers.
    My 5 year old decided she wanted to help so I could prepare the rest of dinner. I read the instructions out to her and she did it all. It was that easy!
    They turned out perfectly, flavour was great, some sweetness so I can even just eat it as a roll! The buns were soft and all 6 of us loved them.
    Thanks so much, will make often now. 😊

  57. Georgia

    Just made them. With time I’ll perfect the shape. We live a bit out of town, had no buns for dinner. The recipe is quite simple and I have to say this recipe will be a keeper. Thanks for sharing.

  58. CA

    Hi there,
    When putting the buns on the baking sheet, how close to each other should they be? Should they be touching or far apart? I’ve read on other websites that buns need to be right next to each other to support each other as they rise, is that true for this recipe as well?

    • Jill

      I place 2 side by side on baking sheet, they seperate just like store bought after baking. We also add either poppyseed or sessame seeds on the egg wash.

    • RedHatGramma

      Mine were 1″ apart. Didn’t get too wide. Soft sides. I sliced them on top before separating.
      Great home reviews !

  59. Agdah

    Thank you so much for this great recipe. It’s awesome! Miss your videos.

  60. Mike

    I haven’t bought bread for the last year. Learned to make baguettes for our daily bread. Just made these hot dog buns. Didn’t have milk so I used water.
    The buns turned out great. Found my go to bun recipe. Thanks Jenny.

    • Makaila

      Thanks for this comment! I was wondering if I could make oat milk for this recipe but water is much faster!

  61. Miriam

    I did use a stand mixer. After adding the 1/4 cup flour, the dough was still very sticky. Is it supposed to be like that?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please see the FAQs.

      • Brittney

        Your FAQs had nothing about the stand mixer.

        • Jenny Can Cook

          “Problems With Yeast Baking” in the FAQs addresses dough that is too sticky. The mixer would not cause that. I hope it helps.

  62. Adriana

    Great recipe. The rolls turned out great!! I’ve added the recipe to my “favorites” list.

  63. Lory

    It has been a long time since this grandma has been told she has beautiful buns, but more than one person told me so when I pulled these fresh out of the oven! Thank you, Jenny, for sharing your recipe!

  64. Lauren

    Just wanted to say thank you for sharing this recipe. I made it today and they came out perfect. Since we’re just two people, I halved the recipe and it worked great. I’m not a morning person and I even managed to whip this together just in time for lunch!

  65. Sylvia

    I made these before as hot dog buns, then again as hamburger buns. The extra buns are great split and toasted for breakfast. Now, I’m shaping them into dinner rolls for Thanksgiving dinner. I love this recipe!

  66. Ma

    Made these this afternoon, perfect, soooo easy!! My Boar’s Head natural casing hot dogs came in a package of 7, so I made 7 buns. Just right, and sturdy enough to hold up to the chili dogs I was making without being tough or too dense! I let them rise a little longer after shaping (maybe another 15-20 minutes), and it took an extra 2 minutes bake time to reach 202° when done. Beautiful texture and color! I have just copied the recipe onto a sheet of paper and taped it inside my cabinet! I’ll be making these all the time from now on! No more store bought buns for me!! Thank you so much for posting!!

  67. Tweetweet

    These turned out wonderful I didn’t do any rolling! All I did was flatten the dough ball then slice it into hot dog bun slices, let them rise, that worked beautifully! I had to brush twice to get that nice brown. ?

  68. Shay

    I love these soft buns and very easy to make! Thanks Jenny!

  69. Jeri Baker

    Love this recipe Jenny. Came out wonderful. I made 4 hamburger and 4 hotdog buns. They were perfect, and as usual for your recipes easy peasy.

  70. Annik from Quebec

    Thanks for all your good and easy recipes. I do the whole wheat bread with half all-purpose and half whole wheat and since we are a household of 2, I take out enough dough to make 2 hot-dogs ans 2 burger buns. Efficient! Just wanted to thank you! ??

  71. EJ

    2 1/2 cups all purpose flour (Aerate Flour Before Measuring – See How)
    Measure your weight in grams it’s unbelievable simple…

    • JM

      I am starting to weigh my ingredients in grams but most recipes use cups. What is the best way to convert cups to grams when measuring flour. I know that different flour and how you put it in the cup can change the weight

      • Mike

        King Arthur Flour uses 120g per cup for all purpose flour.

  72. Chery from TX

    How do you shape the hotdog buns…..having trouble with the dough keeping the shape. Love your recipes !!!!!!!

    • RedHatGramma

      I placed mine only 1″ space between. They come out soft sided but firm for a brat “dragged through the garden”

  73. Judy Lamantia

    What is the dough supposed to look like? Mine is sticky and I’ve already added the 1/4 cup of flour.

    • Judy Lamantia

      I finally got the dough kneaded, but after it rested it wouldn’t press out to 4×6, it kept shrinking back. I had to roll them out and that didn’t work well,either. They’re pretty oddly shaped and rising now, but this recipe isn’t a keeper for me.

  74. Randi

    Help – I’m obtuse! How and when do these buns get sliced? After they are baked and if so, how long should I wait before slicing?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      You slice them after they are baked and after you let them cool down for 5-10 minutes. (I had to look up “obtuse” ?)

      • Randi

        Thank you so much for the quick reply! I’m making these tonight. I make all your recipes, Jenny! You are a goddess. And thanks for taking the time to look up obtuse!

  75. Marisa G.

    I made these buns today. 5 hot dogs, 5 hamburgers. They came out perfect. My daughter was visiting while I was taking them out of the oven, she had one with butter, she loved them. Sure beats the store bought with ingredients I can’t pronounce. Jenny, thank you for another winner.

  76. Natalina

    Oh my goodness. This recipe is exactly the same as your Easy Dinner Rolls recipe, except it calls for oil instead of butter, and an egg wash. This is not a criticism, just surprised that so many people can’t figure it out. I’ve made your wonderful breads for years. I started making my own hot dog and hamburger buns a couple of years ago from the dinner rolls recipe. The first time making a recipe always teaches me how to make it the next time, eg, how many rolls I can make. I make 10 with this quantity and the size is perfect for hot dogs, hamburgers, sandwiches, or just plain eating. I don’t bother with the glaze. Still amazing!

    • Leanne

      which recipe tastes better? One with oil or butter?

  77. Kathy

    Tried these today. Next time I will make 16 rolls because they seem to be too big for hot dogs. Love your crusty rolls.

    • Diane

      Thank you! I have the dough already to go and was wondering if they could be made smaller. How did that work out for you?

      • Natalina

        I make 10 from this recipe , 5 for hamburgers, 5 for hot dogs. For me it’s the perfect size. Bake at same temp til golden brown on top. Mine take a few minutes longer, but that’s my oven. You have to watch them from the 12 min mark.

  78. Brooklyn

    Has anyone actually tried this using plain almond milk? What were your results?

    • Carol

      I haven’t make them with almond milk, but I have used just water. They still turn out great. I have made other things with almond milk and I feel fairly confident to say it should still turn out great. Love this recipe and have made it several times this summer. First time with milk, rest with water (we have a milk allergy in my home). I did have to cut back on the water just a bit (about 1/8 cup) as the dough was to wet otherwise.

    • Antoinette Russin

      I made these this morning using almond milk and substitued 2 T honey for sugar. They turned out great!

  79. Dianna

    This recipe is a winner!! I made it with 50% freshly ground spelt and 50% organic unbleached. I used honey instead of sugar. This will be my go-to recipe! Jenny sure can cook. Jenny, thanks for sharing your recipes and love for good food. You are amazing!

  80. Becky Reeves

    You are the BEST! Keep up your great and heavenly recipes!!!! You are
    a super lady with a delightful sense of humor and wonderful knowledge
    for all of us to enjoy and learn from!!!!!


    Becky Reeves

  81. Kathleen

    I was so excited to recieve 14 and a half pages of comments with my one and a half page recipes. It used all that paper and ink and I had no idea I was going to print a book. Sure will be smarter next time

  82. Deb M.

    Jenny, The hot dog buns are super (even with no hot dog [they are in the freezer somewhere]). I ended up with tiny submarine sandwiches 🙂

    • Deb M.

      Still can’t find the hotdogs! I ended up making tuna melts – delish!

  83. Sue

    I made these buns today for the first time. OMG! They are so soft and chewy but still tender. The texture and flavor remind me of egg bread I had growing up. The next time I make this recipe will be as a loaf! Just delicious!!

  84. Keith

    Again you rock Jenny!!!


  85. Martha Quintana

    Yes love all your recipes so happy to receive your message

  86. C S

    Excited to open this email! Love your videos. Humor and food go well together. Will be making these buns very soon. Thanks so much!

  87. duffy 49

    perfect buns…cut into 6 instead of 8 for Italian sausage from the local butcher fried with with onions, garlic, and red peppers….OMG! thanks Jenny…my wife loves my bread and I have you to thank!

  88. Fran Czeske

    Jenny, I can’t wait to make these this rainy afternoon in beautiful British Columbia! Many, many thanks for sharing your recipes- you make it so easy to integrate cooking and baking into my daily life! Much love and many thanks for your kindness and generosity ♥️?

  89. Carol P

    Always love your down to earth recipes. Easy to follow directions with tasty results.

  90. Anna Bucciarelli

    You have a right to be proud – well earned as your recipes are always easy, delicious, and as fun to make as you are to watch. Many thanks from this old 84 year old lady still learning and making!

    • Marie Jones

      Retired Nurse loving making breads for family and friends. Jenny is a super star in my books!

  91. Sandy

    Hi Jenny: Congrats on your views your surely are worthy of each and every one. Your recipes are FANTASTIC and you personally are a joy to watch and listen too. Every day I make a new recipe and while I am making it I watch you so I get it right. I have never as yet had a failure. You are great. Just made the Cinnamon tunnel bread WOW!!! it is soft fluffy and the tunnels are full of cinnamon and sugar just like you said. We had a friend over and I went to get a piece of it and it was all gone. Guess I will be making another one. and one for the freezer . Love you girl stay healthy and safe and hope your bangs came out OK.

  92. Cindy H.

    Hi Jenny. Congratulations on 100 million views. Thank you for sharing all your recipes. We enjoy them. My husband loves your wheat bread. You going to try the buns recipe I know we will love them. Stay safe. Bless you and your family.

  93. Douglas

    Jenny,,,Love all your recipes,,but love your buns the best,,,did that sound right,,and don’t have to buy 8 every time I go to the store,,have you ever tried to make the recipe with or like the Hawaiian buns.


  94. Janie M

    Absolutely love your recipes Jenny. You are a delightful!! Especially enjoy your videos, its like being in your kitchen.

  95. Debra T Nelson

    So happy to find you online and cooking!
    Congratulation on your one hundred million views, I wasn’t the only one to miss you.

  96. Noni

    Glad to see you again!
    I love your recipes and especially love your videos, you always make me smile and brighten my day.

  97. Barbara K.

    CONGRATULATIONS on your 100 Million Views! No surprise at all. I bet I have brought you a hundred new viewers since this quarantine started and I found your website. My question is what the heck took me so long to find you? Anyway, I did, yours is my absolute favorite website in the world. I was just coming online to find how to make bread that’s softer than your no-knead round loaves (YUMMY!!!) and voilà, here you are with nice soft hot dog rolls. Going to mix some up today. Thank you, Jenny, and God bless you and yours and keep you safe and healthy.

  98. Lynn

    Dear Jenny,
    I absolutely love all your recipes. I am of Polish heritage and am very fond of your Polish recipes.
    I always enjoyed you on your talk show.
    I am now enjoying your cooking show.
    P. S. I slap my dough too.
    Keep cooking, stay safe and healthy.

  99. 1-hour hot dog buns

    item #4 of directions say to add 1/4 c flour, but you never mention the rest of the flour. Did you mean 1/4 cup AT A TIME?… until all flour is used up?

    • Adele

      Step 1 in the instructions you mix flour, yeast, sugar, and salt.

    • Christine

      I agree the addition of the 1/4 cup of flour is confusing. The recipe ingredients show 2.5 cups flour which you are to put in the bowl with yeast and other ingredients. Then you are to mix in the liquids. If you are to add an additional 1/4 cup of flour, the ingredient list should have said 2.5 cups of flour and 1/4 cup of flour.

      • Christine Hall

        Never mind, I see that it’s added at the bottom of the ingredient list.

  100. Denise Guidotti

    Thank you. My son buy hot dog buns at the grocery store and they go bad in no time. I will attempt to make them tomorrow. I also make your no knead bread. I love your recipes.

    • Emma416

      I keep my breads and buns in the fridge. Toast before using. Can be kept in freezer too. Double bag in Ziploc to prevent freezer burn. [NB I like to date my freezer items, too. My late MiLaw used to make an Excel spreadsheet with her freezer items (#, dates, etc).]

  101. Laura Jean

    Thank you for posting this Jenny. I know what I’ll be making tomorrow. *smile*. I”m sure your bangs look great, unless you’re like me, in which case they’re about 1 inch long by the time you got them straight! Be well, stay safe. HUGGGGGGGs

  102. Elaine Fallah

    Can these be made New England style. I guess the rest of the country calls them lobster rolls. We like to toast our hot dog rolls or strep them

    • Mandy

      I read on another site that New England buns require a special pan, but the actual recipe was the same as hot dog buns. That being said, I just made hot dog buns larger and close together and toasted the sides after baking, and it was good enough for me. Hope this helps.

  103. Edith

    1 hour hot dog buns, fantastic. I will never buy hot dog buns again. They turned out
    just like you said. I also filled some with tuna salad. Sliced the bun into
    5 pieces. Thank you for another fantastic recipe.

  104. Yvonne

    I was so excited to see your email. I have made lots of your recipes, always to lots of complements. I tell everyone about your YT.
    I hope all is well with you and yours.

  105. Rachel Francis

    Congrats on all the views..you deserve it!

  106. Sheila

    Your rolls look awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing your recipes!!! WE LOVE YOU?

  107. Susan

    You’re back! Jenny, I was thinking of you recently, wondering when we would hear from you. I love your YouTube channel. I only discovered it last year. I’ve watched every video at least twice. You always make me laugh, and I never fail to learn something. You are too pretty and funny not to be sharing this recipe by video!? These look YUMMY! xo

  108. Pat

    Thank you for the email. Glad you are back. Always enjoy your videos. Your recipes are simple and easy. I especially like the bread recipes.
    Congratulations on your view count.

  109. Mindy Griffith

    Yea, your still here!

  110. Maria

    Hi Jenny, I can tell you how happy I am to see this recipe for hot dog buns. The ones packaged from the grocery store just don’t do the trick. I can’t
    wait to make these. I have tried a few of your recipes, and have been very pleased. Thanks.

  111. Wallie

    Hi Jenny,

    So nice to hear from you. I baked your bread today since the weather was not to hot. Could I use the hot dog recipe to make hamburger buns? Just formed differently. Thank you so much for your response.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I put a link for my hamburger buns at the bottom of the recipe.

      • Wallie

        Thank you so much Jenny for responding regarding the hamburger buns.
        one hundred million followers. you deserve every single one because your recipes are fantastic, delicious and easy. Today I will make your apple cake and I am sure it will be fantastic too. Thanks again, stay safe Wallie

  112. Pat

    I am beyond grateful to have found you Jenny and your recipes. In a week since I discovered you I have made fast no knead bread 4 times, hamburger buns, cinnamon raisin swirl bread and lemon squares. All recipes are great easy to make and tasty. Thank you so much. I will now have to try your hot dog buns and many other of your delicious recipes. Oh funny story when I made the hamburger buns for some reason because I can’t count lol I cut in 6. Wow those were some big buns. Cooked them longer and they were perfect.

  113. Hooked

    What an exciting day, e-mail from Jenny. Since finding you I’ve lured all my family to check out JCC and now a recipe for my hot dog eating hubby. Thank you

  114. Beth

    Hi Jenny, You always light up my life, when we hear from you with a recipe. And to know you are well and able to cut your bangs. Ha! Be well!. Thank you.

  115. jay

    I’m sure I speak for all of your followers that enjoy your simple and delicious recipes, when I say “We’re happy with your buns” ……..
    post more when you can …..

  116. Bunny Bard

    Hi there ! SO THRILLED to have found you. Huge congratulations on your views – so we’ll deserved ! Quick question : will oat milk work instead of milk ? (Kosher so i need non dairy )
    Thanks !

  117. GardenGal

    So happy to hear from you! Always enjoyed what you published. I’ll have to put it on ‘hold’ ’cause right now our stores never seem to have any flour (I guess a lot of anxiety baking going on. :/ )

  118. Ria

    So glad to see you back!! I really enjoy your recipes! My mom loved your show and she loved your cooking. I always told her she should have made a page like this with her recipes :).
    Thanks for always making us smile and giving us awesome recipes.
    Almost out of yeast. I will be sad when it is gone. I have not been able to find any.
    Thinking of making a sourdough starter!

    • bon

      Hi Ria: I was unable to locate any packets of yeast at the market so went to Amazon and tracked down SAF-INSTANT yeast in a ONE POUND package!! I read it will keep indefinitely in the freezer, which I will do. My husband was raring to go on making bread so we did Jenny’s “no knead” bread and it turned out a perfect, round loaf that we have already consumed. We are looking forward to more yeast-dough wonders and wish you luck with yours!

  119. Jody from Olympia WA

    So excited to get your recipe in my email box! The other day I ran out of something and couldn’t remember what it was, but after reading through this recipe I remembered . . . I need to get parchment paper LOL

    I’m in the process up downsizing and moving to a small senior apartment and am looking forward to get my new little kitchen fired up, cooking and baking your recipes❤

    BTW, after your comment to my comment on the picture page about your granola, I now also enjoy it as a cereal with milk! Soooooo good, your granola recipe!

  120. Marla

    Thank you Jenny for this recipe!
    I have doing lots of baking since I found your site I just love your bread recipes.this is the first Time making bread I just loved it. you make it so easy
    Thank you. Thank you again.


    Thank You Jenny !

    You and your wonderful recipes and YouTube Channel are so very much appreciated by me! You are truly making a difference and I just want to tell you how much you mean to all of us !

  122. Tim

    Okay, so just made these hot-dog buns. FANTASTIC! They’re are NOTHING like store bought, and are as fluffy as a cloud. Thanks Jenny! Love all your bread recipes too!

  123. Debbie

    Hi Jenny…thank you for this recipe, I will definitely be trying this one. I just wanted you to know that I make your easy no knead bread every other day now. My husband and I love it and I love the fact it is so quick and easy. I am vegetarian so any vegetarian dishes are totally welcome. Thanks Jenny!

  124. Maggie

    These look delicious, I can’t wait to try them. I just want to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed your YouTube channel and the recipes that I’ve already tried. So happy to see you’re still at it. Be safe and well. ❤️

  125. Patty

    Hey Jenny
    Congrats on the huge viewing audience! You deserve it… your recipes are easy and they taste great. And your videos are even better!
    Thanks for this recipe, I’ll definitely give it a try, might only make 6 but will cut them into larger rectangles so I’ll have longer buns to cover the longer style dogs.
    …. who knew you were able to ✂️ your own bangs… you should’ve included a photo so we could check them out. ?
    Happy summer, stay healthy!

  126. Gaile Beard-Green

    Love how you cook..I use to watch you when you were on TV…You are an amazing cook..

  127. Bruce

    Jenny, I’ve been making these for a few weeks now. I take and make the recipe half sandwich buns and half hot dog buns. Only thing is the sandwich buns need 15 minutes so the hot dog buns get dried out at 15 minutes. You can use either the white bread or the whole wheat bread recipe.

  128. Lisa

    Hi Jenny,
    This is wonderful and your recipes are marvelous. We Canadian love Hot Dogs. Thank you and take care.

    Ciao Bella Lisa

  129. Patricia

    who’da thunk hot dog buns would be so easy? Thank you, Jenny; you are always an inspiration!

  130. Terry

    Could these be converted to hamburger buns?

  131. Hilda

    can these be frozen?

  132. Helen

    Sooooooooooooo Happy,

    Getting recipe emails from you is a real joy.

    Thank you

  133. Joy

    Thank you Jenny -gonna try these buns and if we like them I will make several batches for 4th of July. Hope you are doing well & have a great summer 🙂

  134. Debbie in California

    Hello Jenny, No need to respond, just wanted to acknowledge the absolutely incredible number of hits you have received on your you tube site!

    We adore you and all you share with us.


  135. Barb k

    Always great recipes !

  136. SASSY

    I am always so glad to get your recipes. Thank you for this one too. I love to cook with Jenny because you have affordable tasty recipes I can actually use. Thank you, Jenny!!!!

  137. Susan

    Jenny, it is a happy day when I get an email from you. So excited to try this!! Love all your recipes, I watch them often.

    Susan ?

  138. Ro

    Can the 1-hour hotdog buns be made without an egg and with non-dairy milk? Thanks

    • Cristina

      Hey Ro. I’m not Jenny but wanted to reply anyway. I would try using canned Coconut milk (not the one in the carton). Eliminate the egg all together.

    • m00se

      Hi Ro,

      You can google the tangzhong method for making soft long lasting bread. It doesn’t use egg but it does use milk and butter. The key to the “white bread” consistency in any of these breads is the inclusion of fat. That’s what keeps the bubbles tiny like your commercial sandwich breads. I hope this helps.

    • Stu B.

      Obviously vegan….when we invite a group to our home for a buffet dinner or brunch and some guests inform me that they are vegan or vegetarian and hope there will be something for them, I suggest they contribute a buffet item they can enjoy and in a quantity enought for the number of guests we have invited so everyone can enjoy their vegetarian/vegan offerings. I suggest the same for gluten free and lactose free and nut free guests. There will always be a generous fruit platter and vegetable platter, and, since my adult son and I are both Celiac patient’s there will be GF items and non-gluten free pastries and breads as well. Entertaining has become more complicated in the past 10 years. It makes me become more creative and that’s fun!

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