Microwave Paper Bag Popcorn

Paper Bag Popcorn

Paper Bag Popcorn

This is the only way I make popcorn. There’s no reason to eat store-bought microwave popcorn made with unhealthy oils and additives when making your own healthier version is this easy… and this fast! Popcorn is a healthy snack and a good source of fiber, some protein, and there are antioxidants in the hulls. No oil is needed but you can add 1/2 teaspoon of oil into the bag with the corn before popping. - Jenny Jones

Prep Time: 1 minute

Cook Time: 2 minutes

Total Time: 3 minutes

Makes: 6 cups

Paper Bag Popcorn


  • 1/4 cup plain popping corn
  • 1 paper lunch bag
  • 1 stapler


  1. Pour popping corn into bag.
  2. Fold top of bag over and secure shut with 2-3 staples or scotch tape.
  3. Microwave on high for about 1 1/2 minutes or until popping has almost stopped.

Paper Bag Popcorn

13 Comments on "Paper Bag Popcorn"

  1. Valerie

    Loved you on TV, love seeing your videos, and wanted to thank you for your healthy, delicious recipes. I am able to cook at home, save a ton of money, and create healthy food for my loved ones.
    You are appreciated!
    Stay well!

  2. Sue

    Quick, easy and so much healthier for us without all the added ingredients & extra $ you have to pay when you buy it at the store, I am on a low sugar & sodium life style and I love how I can add my unsalted butter, sugar & salt substitutes.
    Thank you Jenny 🙂

  3. Shelley StClair

    I just love you and your videos I remember you when you had your talk show I was young but did watch it..
    Do you have a video for coconut macaroons?? I find it hard to find and be able to watch your video’s on your site..
    Thank you Shelley 🙂

  4. Bailey Coalson

    We did this in my 8th grade science class and it is awesome!!!

  5. Shankari Sathish

    Hi jenny
    is this a normal paper bag

    • Jenny

      Well it has to be a clean paper bag so I buy a package of paper lunch bags and they work perfectly.

  6. Gloria Cabeen

    Hi Jenny,

    Love the paper bag popcorn! Last time I made it, on a whim I turned the bag over after 1 min. and continued for almost another minute. For some reason nearly all the kernels popped – very few “old maids!”

  7. Trupti

    Hi Jenny

    would you please share the name of the popcorn brand which is been used in this video.

  8. Thomas

    I’ve been doing this for years but simply roll the top of the bag shut.

  9. Ewa

    Great. It realy works! You, do can use staples in the microwave! Thanks Jenny!!

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