Healthier Homemade Jello

Anti-Aging Jelly

Anti-Aging Jelly

There are several juices with enormous health benefits like blueberry, pomegranate, acai berry, even cranberry. Now you can have them for dessert. Look for juice with the least amount of added sugar – I usually find them at the health food store. I love this jelly with a dollop of vanilla frozen yogurt. Btw, pomegranate juice has more polyphenols than red wine or green tea. - Jenny Jones

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes

Makes: 4 servings

Anti-Aging Jelly


  • 1 Tablespoon unflavored gelatin (one envelope)
  • 2 cups juice


  1. In a medium bowl sprinkle gelatin over 1/2 cup cold juice and let stand for 5 minutes.
  2. Heat remaining 1 1/2 cups of juice to just below boiling and add to the bowl, stirring until dissolved.
  3. Pour into dessert glasses and chill for 3 hours.

Anti-Aging Jelly

8 Comments on "Anti-Aging Jelly"

  1. C. Duncan

    Jenny, I first watched you in the Chief’s Mess onboard the USS Canopus -AS34. The old girl was decomissioned in 1994. But, when I was aboard her, the Mess TV lounge was always crowded at lunch time. The Chiefsall loved to watch your show. I was thrilled when I found you on U-Tube. It was like running into an old, dear friend. Thank you!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I never imagined that my show would be airing on a submarine! (I googled the name and looked it up – what a grand vessel!) You truly made my day. Thank you for taking time to write to “an old friend.” ❤️

  2. Patty

    Do you have any recipes for preserves, jams or jellies? I went strawberry picking and want to make jam.

  3. debby

    Recently my granddaughter had strep throat. To keep her hydrated I made a bunch of jello. She loved it, was able to get that down her throat. I had forgotten just how much sugar was in that stuff. I have always made my kids food from scratch! I’ll be using this recipe from now on.

  4. Jess

    How long can this be stored?

    • Jenny

      I keep mine for about 4-5 days, covered and refrigerated.

  5. khabirah

    I am aware of the health benefits of the acai berry drink, but can any drink be used for this recipe?

  6. Nataliechia

    I have try this but it don’t really taste sweet but however I loveeeeeeeeeeee it . And can u post more how to videos cuz I have fall in love will ur videos thanks Jenny !

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